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HomeFall 2024 Catalog

Oriole Dog Training Club Schedule of Classes
FALL 2024

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Course Grid
A brief listing of course offerings is offered on the next page. Detailed descriptions for each course can be found on the following pages.







Introductory Obed.

Puppy Kindergarten (O’Connor/Carr)


6 wks.

See Description

Front TR

Tues. 6-7pm

Puppy Kindergarten (Lachow)


6 wks.

See Description

Front TR

Thurs. 10-11am

Basic Obedience (O’Connor)


7 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1

Tues. 7:15-8:15pm

Basic Obedience (Gilliam/O'Connor)


7 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1

Tues. 8:30-9:30pm

Continuing Basic with AKC CGC and Tricks (Brannan/Hayes)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1

Tues. 6-7pm

Continuing Basic with AKC CGC and Tricks (Ruff/Carpenter)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1

Tues. 3:30-4:30pm

Core Obed.

Novice Foundations Part I (Carlton/Kaminski)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 2

Tues. 7-8pm

Novice Foundations Part I AUDIT (Carlton/Kaminski)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 2

Tues. 7-8pm

Advanced Novice (Palmer/Shanley)


10 wks.


Main Ring 1

Wed. 7-8pm

Beginning Open/Intermediate (Kavanagh/Jackson)


10 wks.


Main Ring 2

Wed. 7-8pm

Open Intermediate/Advanced with Distractions (Kavanagh/Jackson)


10 wks.


Main Ring 2

Wed. 8-9pm

Adv. Open/Begin. Utility (O’Carroll/Earwood)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1 & 2

Tues. 12-1:30pm

Beginning Utility (Palmer)


10 wks.

OB341 or OB345

Main Ring 1

Wed. 8-9pm

AKC Rally-Instructional Novice (Harab)


8 wks.

OB110/OB111 or OB208

Main Ring 1 & 2

(Setup 11:30am)

Mon. 12-1pm

AKC Rally-Novice, Intermed., Adv. & Excellent Run-Thrus (Long/Shanley)


8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1 & 2

(Setup 5:30-6:30pm)

Mon. 6:30-8:15pm

Obedience Electives

Obedience Run-Thrus All Levels (Meyer/Dressler)

EL OB205

10 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1 & 2

Tue. 10-11:30am

Open Ring Run-Thrus. (Griffin/Bresson/Terry)

EL OB414

8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1 & 2

Wed. 9-11am

AKC Rally Run-Thrus (Masters, Excellent or Advanced Courses) (Griffin/Belendiuk, Andraka)

EL OB473

8 wks.

See Description

Main Ring 1 & 2

Thurs. 8:30-10am

Nose Work

NW Foundations: Intro/Foundation to K9 Nose Work© (Cox/Reardon)


6 wks.

See Description

Front Training Rm

Thurs. 6-7:30pm

ORT/NW1 Preparation K9 Nose Work© (Cox/Reardon)


6 wks.


Loading Dock

Thurs. 6-7:30pm

NW2 K9 Nose Work© (Reardon/Cox)


6 wks.

See Description

Loading Dock

Wed. 6-7:30pm

NW3 K9 Nose Work© (Reardon/Cox)


6 wks.

See Description

Loading Dock

Wed. 6-7:30pm

Elite/Summit Run-Throughs (NW team)



See Description



Dog Sports – Preparation

Foundations for Dog Sports (McDowell, Rosenvold, Raiser, Carr, Culp)


10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Wed. 8:15-9:45pm

Agility Foundations for Puppies (Martins/Shea)


7 wks.

See Description

Front Training Rm

Tues. 4-5:30pm

Agility Intro.

Agility 1 (Sorgenfrei, Stephenson, Fitchitt, Folwick, Martins)


10 wks.


Agility Ring

Thurs. 6:30-8pm

Agility 2 (McKisson, Stephenson, Donaldson, Sorgenfrei)


10 wks.


Agility Ring

Thurs. 8:15-9:45pm

Agility Core

Agility 3 (Deubler, Slaybaugh)


10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Tues. 6:30-8pm

Pre-competition – Skills Handling (Gauntt/Bond)


10 wks


Agility Ring

Mon. 8:15-9:45pm

Novice/Advanced Handling Sequences (Briefel/Bond)


10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Mon. 6:30-8pm

Agility Electives

Contact and Weave Skills (Paul/Lape/Flagg)

EL AG535

10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Tues. 1:30-3pm

Masters/Premier Skills & Drills (Herman)

EL AG538

10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Wed. 4:30-6pm

Distance Training (Wilkins)

EL AG539

10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Wed. 6:30-8pm

Proofing Contacts & Weaves (Herman)

EL AG575

10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Mon. 4:30-6pm

Focus/Connection/Impulse Control/Relaxation Exercises/Games (Novak)

EL AG585

8 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Thurs. 4:30-6pm

Young/Green Dog Practice (Deubler)

EL AG529

10 wks.

See Description

Agility Ring

Tues. 8:15-9:45pm

Agility Privates (Herman)

EL AG540


See Description

Agility Ring

Mon. & Wed

Agility Run-Throughs

EL AG510

See website Schedule

See Description

Agility Ring

Fri. 7-9pm


Beginner Flyball (McGuire/Hoffman)


10 wks.

Basic Obedience

Main Ring 1 & 2

Thurs. 7pm

Beginner Flyball (Bobb)


8 wks.

Basic Obedience

Main Ring 1 & 2

Fri. 6:30pm

Competition Flyball (Fedder/Hoffman)


10 wks.

Beginner Flyball

Main Ring 1 & 2

Thurs. 7:30pm

Friday Flyball (Bobb)


8 wks.

Beginner Flyball

Main Ring 1 & 2

Fri. 8pm


Beginning Tracking (Hulbert)


6 wks.

See Description

See Description

Fri. 9am

Beginning Tracking (Eisenberg/Shinwari)


6 wks.

See Description

See Description

Sat. 9am

Advanced Beginning Tracking (Hulbert)


6 wks.

See Description

See Description

Fri., 10am

Important Note: There are noise restrictions M-F during the workday at the Oriole building – if your dog barks a lot when crated or training, then please do not register your dog for a daytime class




Prior to signing up for a class, consider whether or not you and/or your dog will be available for a majority of the classes.  If you intend to breed your dog during this semester, or send your dog away for shows or training, you may want to consider if you will be able to complete the requirements of the course.  A majority of the obedience classes fill and we often have to turn students away.

Introductory Obedience Classes


[OB101] Puppy Kindergarten. FULL Instructor:  Kara O’Connor, Assistant:  Carol Carr. 6 weeks. For puppies 14 weeks to 6 months old. This class is for focusing on the start of obedience foundations and behavior issues.  Emphasis on positive socialization to people and other puppies, environmental surroundings and contacts. General behavior topics will include crate training, housetraining, reading body language, and reducing nipping and jumping. We will focus on skills like communication and attention to owner, loose leash walking, rear end awareness, good play and greeting skills with dogs and people, sit, down, come, wait, even tricks! This is a “food” reward-based class. The next class would be the Basic Obedience class. Note: Bring current rabies certificate for puppies over 4 months to the first night of class. Puppies attend the first class.  Front Training Room.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 6-7pm



[OB101C] Puppy Kindergarten. STILL OPEN UNTIL 10/7! Instructor: Rachel Lachow. 6 weeks.  For //puppies 14 weeks to 6 months old. This class is for focusing on the start of obedience foundations and behavior issues. Emphasis on positive socialization to people and other puppies, environmental surroundings and contacts. General behavior topics will include crate training, housetraining, reading body language, and reducing nipping and jumping. We will focus on skills like attention to owner, loose leash walking, rear end awareness, good play and greeting skills with dogs and people, sit, down, come, wait, even tricks! This is a “food” reward-based class. The next class is the Basic obedience class. Notes:  1) At least 4 dogs must be registered for class to be held. 2) Bring current rabies certificate for puppies over 4 months to the first night of class. Puppies attend the first class.  Front training room.

Class limit:


Start: Oct. 10

Day/Time: Thurs., 10-11am




[OB105] Basic ObedienceFULL Instructor:  Kara O’Connor. 7 weeks.  This class is for puppies older than six months and adult dogs that are just starting their training or need a refresher. The course will introduce dogs to all the basic obedience commands such as sit, down, stand, come, off, and loose-leash walking. In addition, we will practice the commands with real life training exercises, such as not bolting through the door when opened and park bench manners, etc. This is a “food” reward-based class. Priority:  Priority registration is given to students graduating from the prior semester of Puppy Kindergarten [OB101] or Star Puppy [OB102] classes.  Notes:  1) At least 3 dogs must be registered for class to be held.  2) The FIRST day of class, please come WITHOUT your dog & with a copy of your dog’s Rabies certificate.  Main Ring 1.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 7:15-8:15pm



[OB105A] Basic ObedienceFULL Instructor: Diane Gilliam and Kara O'Connor. 7 weeks.  This class is for puppies older than six months and adult dogs that are just starting their training or need a refresher.  The course will introduce dogs to all the basic obedience commands such as sit, down, stand, come, off, and loose-leash walking.  In addition, we will practice the commands with real life training exercises, such as not bolting through the door when opened and park bench manners, etc.  This is a “food” reward-based class. Priority:  Priority registration is given to students graduating from the prior session of Puppy Kindergarten [OB101] or Star Puppy [OB102] classes. Notes: 1) At least 3 dogs must be registered for class to be held.  2) The FIRST day of class, please come WITHOUT your dog & with a copy of your dog’s Rabies certificate.  Main Ring 1.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 8:30-9:30pm



[OB110] Continuing Basic with AKC CGC and TricksFULL Instructors: Debby Brannan, Sue Hayes.  8 weeks.  This class is intended for puppies older than 8 months and adult dogs. Dog reactive dogs are not allowed in this class.  In this class we will cover each of the Canine Good Citizen exercises to prepare you for the CGC test.  The students will be taught how to train and handle their dog to successfully complete each of the CGC exercises. Additionally, tricks will be taught to prepare your dog for the Novice Trick Dog Test.  At the eighth week of class an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test and the AKC Novice Trick Dog test will be offered (date to be announced in class). Prerequisites: This class is open to dogs that have a sound temperament and clear understanding of the basic exercises, dogs owned by handlers with recent Basic obedience training or dogs that have been evaluated by the instructor.  Priority: Priority registration is given to [OB105 (A/B/C)] students graduating from the prior session of classes and were given approval from the instructor to move up to [OB110] classes.  Main Ring 1.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 6-7pm



[OB110A] Continuing Basic with AKC CGC and Tricks.  Instructors: Judi Ruff and Leanna Carpenter. 8 weeks.  This class is intended for puppies older than 8 months and adult dogs.  Dog reactive dogs are not allowed in this class.  In this class we will cover all of the Canine Good Citizen exercises to prepare you for the CGC test.  The students will be taught how to train and handle their dog to successfully complete each of the CGC exercises. Additionally, tricks will be taught to prepare your dog for the Novice Trick Dog Test.  At the eighth week of class an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test and the AKC Novice Trick Dog test will be offered (date to be announced in class). Prerequisites: This class is open to dogs that have a sound temperament and clear understanding of the basic exercises, dogs owned by handlers with recent Basic obedience training or dogs that have been evaluated by the instructor. Priority: Priority registration is given to [OB105 (A/B/C)] students graduating from the prior session of classes and were given approval from the instructor to move up to [OB110] classes. Main Ring 1.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 3:30-4:30pm




Core Obedience Courses


[OB208] Novice Foundations Part 1. FULL Instructors:  Sue Carlton and Debbie Kaminski. 8 Weeks.  This class is Part 1 of our four semester competitive Novice Foundations program and is specifically for those students planning to compete at the Novice level.  Students will be taught the foundation skills for each of the Novice exercises and rear end awareness exercises. The exercises will be broken down into steps and taught with motivation techniques to create a confident working dog. Additionally, we will focus on precise teamwork, trial picture and individual instruction for each of the exercises.  Teams work together in the ring to strengthen their skills in preparation for the Novice Foundations Part II class. Note: 1) This class is required before taking the [OB209] Novice Foundations II class and the [OB210] Advanced Novice class. Registered dogs may not attend any other ODTC obedience classes during the same semester. Main Ring 2.  There will be 3 Auditor spots available for this class.  

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 7-8pm



[OB208-AUDIT] Novice Foundations Part 1 AUDIT ONLY. FULL Instructors:  Sue Carlton and Debbie Kaminski. 8 Weeks.  This class is Part 1 of our four semester competitive Novice Foundations program and is specifically for those students planning to compete at the Novice level.  Students will be taught the foundation skills for each of the Novice exercises and rear end awareness exercises. The exercises will be broken down into steps and taught with motivation techniques to create a confident working dog. Additionally, we will focus on precise teamwork, trial picture and individual instruction for each of the exercises.  Teams work together in the ring to strengthen their skills in preparation for the Novice Foundations Part II class. Note: 1) This class is required before taking the [OB209] Novice Foundations II class and the [OB210] Advanced Novice class. Registered dogs may not attend any other ODTC obedience classes during the same semester. Main Ring 2.  There will be 3 Auditor spots available for this class.  

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 7-8pm



[OB210] Advanced Novice. FULL Instructors: Barry Palmer, Andra Shanley.  10 weeks.  This is a three semester class and specifically intended for those planning to compete at the Novice level.  It is part 5 of the competitive Novice program that begins with Novice Foundations I & II, Transition to Off-leash Heeling and Fine Tuning Exercises and Handling Skills classes.  All Novice exercises will be reviewed & polished. Additionally, foundation skills for Open & Utility exercises will be introduced. Prerequisites: Solid heeling footwork & off-lead heeling, attention, as well as, a dependable recall, sit, stand & down. Completion of the four semester Novice Program: [OB208] [OB209] Novice Foundations I and II, [OB321] Transition to Off Leash Heeling class, [OB412] Fine Tuning exercises and Handling Skills and/or evaluated by instructor before class starts.  Registration Note:  Instructor approved students from the Spring 2024 [OB210] can register for this class. All others must receive approval from the instructor before registering for this class. NOTE: Registered dogs may not attend any other ODTC obedience classes during the same semester (attending a Run Thru, Rally or Transition class is permitted).  Main Ring 1.  

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 11


Wed., 7-8pm



[OB340] Beginning Open/Intermediate.  Instructor: Pat Kavanagh. Assistant:  Deb Jackson 10 Weeks.  This class is intended for teams that are starting the Open exercises and planning to compete in Open.  The class will emphasize teaching the skills necessary to perform each exercise.  Motivational methods will be used with an emphasis on building a solid foundation to develop the confidence in the dog/handler as a team.Prerequisites: Completion of the OB210 classes and/or evaluated by instructor before class starts.Registration Note: Instructor approved students from the [OB210] or [OB340] can register for this class.All others must receive approval from the instructor before registering for this class.NOTE: Registered dogs may not attend any other ODTC obedience Open or Utility classes during the same semester (attending a Run Thru, Transition or Rally class is permitted)  Main Ring 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 11


Wed., 7-8pm



[OB341] Open/Intermediate/Advanced with Distractions. FULL Instructor: Pat Kavanagh, Assistant:  Deb Jackson.   10 Weeks.  This class is intended for teams that need to fine tune the exercises in Open and those planning to compete in Open.  Motivational methods will be used with an emphasis on fine tuning each exercise and proofing with distractions, as needed to develop the dog/handler confidence in the ring.  

Dogs must be able to work off-lead with other dogs in the ring. Prerequisites: Teams must be proficient in all Open exercises and must have a CD title. Completion of the OB340 class and/or evaluated by instructor before class starts. Registration Note: Instructor approved students from the [OB340] or [OB341] can register for this class.All others must receive approval from the instructor before registering for this class.NOTE: Registered dogs may not attend any other ODTC obedience Open or Utility classes during the same semester (attending a Run Thru, Proofing or Rally class is permitted).    Main Ring 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 11


Wed., 8-9pm



[OB345] Advance Open/Beginning UtilityFULL Instructors: Elaine O’Carroll and Val Earwood. 8 Weeks. This class is for those trainers who need additional refinement & proofing skills to successfully compete in Open while also preparing their dogs to learn all the parts of the Utility exercisesPrerequisites:1) Students must be about to compete or currently competing in the Open class at obedience trials2) they should be familiar with all the Utility class exercises. Registration Note: Instructor approved students from the Spring 2024 [OB345] can register for this class. All others must receive approval from the instructor before registering for this class. Note:  Registered dogs may not attend more than one ODTC obedience Open or Utility class including all daytime & evening classes (attending a Run-Thru or Rally class is permitted).  Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 12-1:30pm



[OB402] Beginning UtilityFULL Instructor: Barry Palmer. 10 Weeks. This class is intended for teams that are planning to compete at the Utility Level.  All Utility exercises will be covered and proofed.  Motivational methods will be used with an emphasis on building attitude & confidence in the dog & handler as a team. Prerequisites: Completion of [OB341] or [OB345].  Registration Note:  Instructor approved students from the Spring 2024 [OB341] or [OB345] can register for this class. All others must receive approval from the instructor before registering for this class. Others must have permission from the instructor. Note: Registered dogs may not attend more than one ODTC obedience open or utility class including all daytime & evening classes (attending a Run Thru or Rally class is permitted). Main Ring 1. 

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 11


Wed., 8-9pm



[OB471] AKC Rally - Instructional Novice.  Instructor: Dianne Harab.  8 Weeks.  This class is an introduction to AKC Rally obedience. Topics covered include the basics of the sport, how to read course maps, and correct performance of rally signs focusing on the Novice level.  Considerable class time will be spent on helping the handler and dog learn to move as a team in performing each station’s requirements with the dog heeling through the course on a loose leash.  Additionally, the students will have the opportunity to run their dog through several Rally courses. Prerequisite: Completion of [OB110] or [OB111] Advanced Basic class or [OB208] Novice Foundations, Part 1 before entry into this class. Others must have permission from the instructor. Class minimum of 3 students. Instructor Note: Ring setup begins at 11:30amMain Rings 1 and 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 9

Day/Time: Mon., 12-1pm




[OB470] AKC Rally - Novice, Intermediate, Advanced & Excellent Run-Thrus.  Instructor: Michele Long, Assistant: Andra Shanley.  8 wks.  Generally, work is on-leash for Novice and Intermediate.  It isoff-leash for Advanced and Excellent dogs, but that is dependent on the teams working level and the individual trainer's preference. There will be 2 rings with signs and jumps set up to run at all three levels. Generally, students will get 4 run-thrus, 2 runs in each ring.  Signs will be reviewed for those requiring instruction. Prerequisite: Dogs must know basic Obedience commands. Students must be familiar with Rally. (Rally signs can be reviewed on the AKC website under Rally Obedience).  Notes: 1) Limit ONE dog per handler. 2) If class does not fill, a second dog per handler will be considered. Approval of the instructor is required. 3) Drop in students will be considered if the class does not fill. Approval of the instructor is required prior to joining the class. Main Rings 1 & 2.  Note: Ring setup begins at 5:30pm. No other classes can be booked in the rings at 5:30pm.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 16





Elective Obedience Classes

[EL OB205] Obedience Run-Thrus. CANCELLED  Instructors: Katie Meyer, Mary Anne Dressler.  10 Weeks.  This class will offer all levels of obedience exercises in a run-thru format.  Handlers will rotate through all positions - judge, steward & distracters.  Open to dog/handler teams preparing to enter competition. Note: This is not an instructional class. Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 10


Tues., 10-11:30am



[EL OB414] Open Ring Run Thrus.  Instructors: Louise Griffin, Marcia Bresson, and Jane Terry.  8 weeks.  This is not an instructional class.  Attendees should be proficient at their competition level.  All competition levels may attend. Attendees will have use of the ring and equipment for one half hour. Time slots will be assigned for each date and rotated during the session.  Oversight will be provided by Louise Griffin or Marcia Bresson and occasionally Jane Terry. Both rings will be used simultaneously. Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 11


Wed., 9-11am



[EL OB473] AKC Rally Run Thrus - Masters, Excellent, Advanced.  Instructors: Louise Griffin, Arthur Belendiuk, Jane Andraka.  8 weeks.  This is not an instructional class.  Practice for your advanced titles or get RACH ready!  Two courses will be set per week, (Masters, Excellent, or Advanced).  Both rings will be used simultaneously. Oversight will be provided by Louise and Arthur.  Participants will have an opportunity to run each course twice. Prerequisite: Students must be familiar with rally signs. Limit of one dog per registration. Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 12





K9 Nosework© Classes


[NW101] NW Foundations: Intro/Foundation to K9 Nose Work©FULL Instructors: Sue Cox, CNWI and Jaqueline Reardon, CNWI. 6 Weeks.  This is a Beginners/First level class for dogs and handlers on nose work/scent work. The instruction provided in this class will follow the methods and foundation of K9 Nose Work©. Classes focus on teaching and encouraging the development of your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt for food and/or toys. The activities of box work and object searches help your dog build confidence, burn both mental and physical energy, and helps handlers find out about their dog’s scenting abilities. Dogs are worked one at a time and must be crated between activities. The first class will be a PowerPoint presentation with a question-and-answer period - leave dogs at home for the first class.   Note:  One dog per handler. 

Class DatesSept. 12, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov. 21.  Front Training Room & Loading Dock.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 12


Thurs., 6-7:30pm



[NW101-AUDIT] NW Foundations: Intro/Found. to K9 Nose Work©Instructors:Sue Cox, CNWI and Jaqueline Reardon, CNWI. 6 Weeks.  This is a Beginners/First level class for dogs and handlers on nose work/scent work. The instruction provided in this class will follow the methods and foundation of K9 Nose Work©. Classes focus on teaching and encouraging the development of your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt for food and/or toys. The activities of box work and object searches help your dog build confidence, burn both mental and physical energy, and helps handlers find out about their dog’s scenting abilities. Dogs are worked one at a time and must be crated between activities. The first class will be a PowerPoint presentation with a question-and-answer period - leave dogs at home for the first class.   Note: AUDIT ONLY

Class Dates:  Sept. 12, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov. 21.  Front Training Room & Loading Dock.

Class limit:


Start:Sept. 12


Thurs., 6-7:30pm



[NW201] ORT/NW1 Preparation K9 Nose Work©. FULL Instructors: Sue Cox, CNWI and Jaqueline Reardon, CNWI. 6 Weeks This class is for dogs that already know K9 Nose Work competition odors (Birch, Anise, Clove).  The instruction provided in this class will follow the methods and foundation of K9 Nose Work©. Class content will concentrate on continued search technique refinement and handling.  Searches may be videotaped as part of the educational process.  Dogs are worked one at a time and must be crated between activities.  Containers will be emphasized for ORT preparation.  Additionally, indoor and outdoor settings as well as vehicles will be used. Prerequisites: Completion of NW 102 (Intro to Odor) and approval by the Nose Work instructional team.  Note:  One dog per handler. Class Dates: Sept. 19, Oct. 3, Oct. 17, Oct. 31, Nov. 14, plus one travel class which will be on a weekend - to be determined.  Front Training Room & Loading Dock.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 19


Thurs., 6-7:30pm



[NW301] NW2 K9 Nose Work©. FULL Instructors: Jacqueline Reardon CNWI and Sue Cox, CNWI.  6 Weeks.  This class is for dogs that already know scent work. The instruction provided in this class will follow the methods and foundation of K9 Nose Work©. Class content will concentrate on continued search technique refinement and handling. Searches may be videotaped as part of the educational process. Dogs are worked one at a time and must be crated between activities. Indoor and outdoor settings and vehicles may be used. Prerequisites:  Completion of ORT title and NW1 title (or equivalent) and approval by the Nose Work instructional team.  Note: One dog per handler.  Class Dates:  September Sept 11, Sept 25, Oct 9, Oct 23, Nov 6 plus one travel class which will be on a weekend – to be determined.  Front Training Room & Loading Dock.

Class limit: 6      Start:    Sept. 11      Day/Time:  Wed. 6-7:30pm  Fee: $165NM/$125TM/$80CM

[NW401] NW3 K9 Nose Work©. FULL Instructor: Jacqueline Reardon, CNWI and Sue Cox, CNWI.  6 Weeks. This class is for teams who are working on their NW3 or NW3-Elite titles. The instruction provided in this class will follow the methods and foundation of K9 Nose Work©.   Class content will concentrate on continued search technique refinement and handling. Searches may be videotaped as part of the educational process.  Indoor and outdoor settings and vehicles may be used.  Dogs are worked one at a time and must be crated between activities.  Prerequisites:  Attainment of the NW2 title (or equivalent) and approval by the Nose Work instructional team.  Note:  One dog per handler.  Class Dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2, Oct. 16, Oct. 30, Nov. 13 plus one travel class which will be on a weekend – to be determined.  Front Training Room & Loading Dock.

Class limit:


Start: Sept. 18


Wed., 6-7:30pm




[NW601] Elite/Summit Run Throughs. Instructors: ODTC Nose work instructional team.

Students competing at the Elite and Summit levels will have the opportunity to run 2-3 searches.  Prerequisites:  Attainment of the NW3-ELT title and approval by the Nose Work instructional team. If the class does not fill within 7 days of a class date, teams with at least one NW3 title may be added at the discretion of the instructor(s). The instructional team will maintain a wait list for these teams.  Dates and locations to be announced. If you are interested in this level of travel class/run through, please email Sue Cox, CNWI at SueCoxMSW@aol.comNote:  One dog per handler per class.
Class limit:  6 Fee Per Class:  NM$40/TM$30/CM$20


[AG050] Foundations for Dog SportsFULL Instructors: Margaret McDowell, Susan Rosenvold, Kelly Raiser, Carol Carr, and Kim Culp.  10 weeksThis class is for dogs aged 6 months & up who have graduated from a Basic Obedience class. Dogs will be introduced to the basic relationship building and foundation skills needed to be competitive in timed, physically active dog sports such as agility, flyball, rally, and disc dog. Foundation training includes board & target training; fitness training; impulse control games; drive games with recalls and sends; emphasizing tugging as a reward; rear-end awareness and body coordination exercises. Dogs can and should be entered in this class at a young age (although it is reasonable to expect very young dogs to rotate through it twice to expose them to each foundation exercise twice during their “puppy brain” stage). This class is primarily taught using a clicker to shape behaviors. Students will be exposed to a variety of "proofing" techniques to improve their dog’s performance. Graduation criteria: (1) ability to hold a "stay" position with handler at least 10' away; (2) dog exhibits body control coordination through demonstration of class exercises; (3) dog can stay focused on handler while working around other dogs in low arousal situations; (4) dog sends around an object from at least 6' away; (5) Handler exhibits understanding of training principles; including the 3 D’s for proofing, using a clicker for shaping behaviors, and handling/engaging with your dog. Students planning to move ahead to Agility 1 have the additional criteria of (1) Dog actively engages with a toy, viewing it as a reward and (2) dog assumes and maintains four-feet on position on a travel board. Prerequisite: Verification of graduation from Basic Obedience class, a CGC certificate or completion of test at ODTC Intro to Agility workshop. Note: The first night of class is required for participation in the course. Dogs do not come to the first night of class. Agility Ring.

Class limit


Start: Sept. 18


Wed 8:15pm-9:45pm



[AG052] Agility Foundations for Puppies. FULL Instructors: Dale Martins and Maureen Shea. 7 weeks. This class is for puppies age 4 months to 1 year at the start of class. Puppies will be introduced to crate games, which helps teach impulse control. The puppy will learn body awareness and how to think with “It’s Your Choice”. Handlers will learn how to train their puppy by having fun, and playing with their new addition, creating a strong bond between you and your dog. Crate needed. Notes: 1) Dogs do not come to the first class. 2) Bring current rabies certificate for puppies over 4 months to the first night of class. Front Training Room.

Class limit


Start: Sept. 17


Tues 4-5:30pm





IMPORTANT: All dogs participating in agility must be physically sound & at an appropriate weight. Keep your dog's nails trimmed & keep hair around the feet trimmed to prevent slipping on the equipment. If your dog has hair falling in his eyes, tie it back with a rubber band or small barrette. Dogs with underlying health problems, including but not limited to hip & elbow dysplasia, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, vision, or other health problems that limit endurance, balance, or motor control should not participate in agility without consultation with a veterinarian who is familiar with agility.  It is suggested that owners not sign their dogs up for agility classes until the dog is at least 12 months old.  Timing, however, is an issue with our structured start dates. If you wish to enroll a dog that will be younger than 12 months at the start of class, you must submit a waiver & request permission of the agility training director.  

Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will remain in the building throughout the class.  Registration for agility classes is contingent upon instructor evaluation & approval of dog/handler teams as deemed necessary by the class instructor.  Participants must be approved by instructor.

NEW: Update on Registration for Agility Classes.
Due to the small number of class slots available and the current demand, there is a restriction on the number of agility classes a dog may be entered in during in the opening weeks of registration to two (2) classes. Should a class not fill the day after the non-member opening, then the restriction is lifted.

Introductory Agility Courses

BRING YOUR RABIES INFORMATION TO THE FIRST CLASS.  For questions, please contact the Registrar, by email

The classes in this section focus on introducing/teaching obstacle performance.  Students will learn how to define successful criteria for performance of the obstacles as well as the basic groundwork needed for the handling skills to be covered in more advanced classes.  These classes start with dogs that have never seen, or have had only limited exposure to, agility equipment as well as dogs that have not reached acceptable obstacle performance levels.  

NOTE: The progression of classes is expected to be as follows:  Start with Foundations for Dog Sports for 1 or 2 sessions depending on the age of the dog, then move into the Agility 1, followed by Agility 2. Handlers and dogs continue their training with Agility 3, Skills classes and Coursework.  

***IMPORTANT***All participants in the Introductory Level Agility Program are required to work one day at one agility trial sponsored by ODTC during each semester they attend classes at ODTC. Instructors will provide students with trial information at the beginning of each semester.  In addition to meeting the skill requirements for each class, participation at a trial is required to move up a level. If you do not meet the criteria for a class, you must schedule an individual assessment and/or receive written permission from the instructor before classes begin.  You may register for classes prior to the assessments, but you must pass the skill level assessment to participate.

[AG100] Agility 1. FULL Instructors: Rebecca Sorgenfrei, Bryan Stephenson, Chris Fitchitt, Lynda Folwick and Dale Martins. 10 weeks. This course is intended to introduce dogs to the agility obstacles and to introduce handlers to the training methods for achieving safe, confident, and competent obstacle performance as well as a good working relationship allowing for off leash agility performance. Emphasis will be given to establishing a foundation for independent obstacle performance. Classes will be divided by gating into multiple work stations. Dogs must be capable of working with other dogs working at the same time. By the end of the session dogs should: have a good understanding of the 2on/2off end behavior without requiring a target; be able to drive to the end of the teeter with at least a 16” drop; drive through a partially closed weave channel with good footwork and speed irrespective of handler position; perform a four-jump grid with the handler in a variety of positions; send to a straight or curved tunnel; and send to and stay on a table. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations for Dog Sports or permission of Instructor. Note: This class is run at the same time as Flyball and there may be excessive noise. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 19


Thurs., 6:30-8pm



[AG110] Agility 2.  Instructors: Lorinda McKisson, Bryan Stephenson, Ashley Donaldson, and Rebecca Sorgenfrei10 weeks. This course builds on the training and skills taught in AG1. By the end of this session, dogs should be transferring end behaviors to contacts, including the teeter; jumping full height jumps in a variety of patterns; and performing closed weaves with good speed and footwork after entering independently from a variety of angles irrespective of handler position. The team should be able to perform short sequences of tunnels and jumps, including special jumps, with the handler executing basic crosses as needed.  Note: This class is run at the same time as Flyball and there may be excessive noise. Prerequisite: Successful completion of AG100 or permission of the instructor.  Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 19


Thurs., 8:15-9:45pm



Core Agility Courses

[AG140] Agility 3. Instructors: Cindy Deubler, Deb Slaybaugh.  10 weeks.  This class is intended for those not quite ready to graduate from AG2. Emphasis will be given to achieving consistent contact and weave performance meeting established criteria and fading aids. Basic handling skills and verbals will also be covered, as well as jump commitment and basic jump patterns.  Note: Priority is given to students referred by instructors from the Agility 2 Spring 2024 class and the AG585 Focus class for students who previously took an AG2 class. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 17


Tues., 6:30-8pm



[AG300] Pre-Competition - Skills HandlingFULL Instructors: Janet Gauntt and Beth Bond.  10 weeks. This level is for dog and handler teams who are ready to train for competition. Basic handling maneuvers, identifying lines and angles of approach and exit, and discriminations will be among the concepts taught, as well as continuing to build obstacle performance. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Agility 2/3, or by permission of the instructors. Note: Students may not take this class more than two times. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 16


Mon., 8:15-9:45pm



[AG580] Novice/Advanced Handling SequencesFULL Instructors: Ken Briefel and Beth Bond.  10 weeks. This course is intended for those currently at the Novice/Advanced/Open/CPE 3 levels. The goal is to refine handling skills and techniques including proper use and placement of a variety of crosses and maneuvers; transitioning between obstacle and handler focus; handling common jump patterns; and determining the best dog path and how to handle to get it. The class will also cover the training and use of verbal cues. Prerequisites: Dogs should consistently meet handler criteria on all obstacles without training aids. Handlers should have a basic understanding of the mechanics of front, blind and rear crosses. Teams should be able to sequence at least 12-14 obstacles including contacts and weaves. The instructor reserves the right to dismiss students who don’t meet these prerequisites. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 16


Mon., 6:30-8pm



Elective Agility Courses

We welcome new ideas for electives.  Please talk to the Agility training director or board members if you have an idea for an elective.

[EL AG535] Contact and Weave Skills.  FULL Instructors: Darlene Paul, Gayle Lape, Betsy Flagg.  10 Weeks.  This class is being offered for people that have the desire to dive deep into the solid foundation of doing stopped contacts and work towards independent weaves using the guide wire channel method. Contact work will start with going through the different levels of travel board work and possibly adding in stairs. Running A-frame training may also be covered if handler and instructor feel it is the right option for that dog. Introductory training on equipment will be covered for those that meet the criteria. All dogs will be started on the teeter which will cover the 2-table method working up to a full height teeter with drop. If class does not fill with students that are looking to work at this level, other students interested that might be farther along will be considered with approval of instructor.Agility Ring

Class limit:  7 Start: Sept. 17 Day/Time: Tues., 1:30-3pm Fee: $225NM/$170TM/$110CM

[EL AG538] Masters/Premier Skills and Drills. FULL Instructor: Terry Herman.  10 Weeks.  This class is intended for those wanting to learn how to deal with the challenges seen in Masters and Premier level courses. Drills will be set up to develop handling strategies for managing a variety of challenges including, but not limited to threadles, backsides, weave entries, layering, and discriminations. Drills may involve long sequences with repeated challenges, but this is not a coursework class. 

Prerequisites: USDAA or AKC Excellent/Masters Standard title or permission of the instructorAgility Ring

Class limit:  8 Start: Sept. 18 Day/Time: Wed., 4:30-6pm Fee: $225NM/$170TM/$110CM

[EL AG539] Distance Training. FULL Instructor: Jean Wilkins.  10 Weeks.  Want to improve your distance handling with your dog? Want more distance between you and your dog on course? Want to get a better understanding of how to handle gambles; fast sends; chance runs? Want to learn how to plan for your dog to gather game points and set yourself up for a better approach to the distance elements? In this class, you will learn and practice distance skills. Prerequisite: Dogs need to have some independence on obstacles, must be able to seek obstacles on their own and are proficient on all equipment (learning obstacles is not the focus of this class and dogs must be able to do the obstacles without being escorted). Multiple dogs per handler not allowed. There will not be class on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 - the session will continue on Oct. 9. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 11


Wed., 6:30-8pm



[EL AG575] Proofing Contacts and WeavesFULL Instructor: Terry Herman.  10 weeks. Emphasis will be on building independent contact and weave performance that meets established criteria. Short sequences will be used to create different contact and weave approaches and exits, allowing handlers to be in a variety of positions and perform a variety of handling maneuvers. Aids may be used as necessary. Class sessions may be designed to concentrate on individual contacts and/or weaves. Prerequisite: Dogs must be able perform closed weave poles and full height contacts, and must have an understanding of end behavior performance criteria.Agility Ring.

Class limit: 8 Start: Sept 16             Day/Time: Mon., 4:30-6pm         Fee: $225NM/$170TM/$110CM

[AG585] Focus/Connection/Impulse Control/Relaxation. CANCELLED Instructor: Barb Novak.  8 Weeks.  Do you want to be able to maintain connection with your dog throughout an entire agility course under trial conditions? Do you want your dog to be able to focus on their agility job with a high level of distractions in the environment? Do you want your dog to be able to self-regulate and have impulse control without you having to constantly impose your control over them? Do you want your dog to be able to find their “off” switch and relax while waiting for their turn to perform while in a highly stimulating atmosphere? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for your agility team. The first 5 weeks will be spent doing exercises and games on the flat to teach you and your dog the 4 components listed in the class title. The last 3 weeks will take what your team has learned and apply same to short, simple agility sequences (4 to 5 obstacles) jumps and tunnels only. Travel board work with contacts will be practiced, time allowing. Note: This is not a handling or obstacle performance class. Handling maneuvers and obstacles will not be taught. It is solely a class to help create a stronger connection between you and your dog and to give your team the tools needed to help your team navigate highly distracting trial environments without losing that connection. Prerequisites:  Dogs over 1 year old who can perform agility jumps (don’t have to be full height) and tunnels (straight and curved), being able to sequence 4 to 5 of same. Should have a trained contact behavior on either a travel board and/or contact obstacles with handler having a set criteria for same. Knowledge of basic behaviors, i.e., sit, down, stay and recall. Priority will be given to people that have not taken the class before.  There will not be classes on Oct. 17, Oct. 31, and Nov. 14. Classes will end Dec. 5. Agility Ring.

Class limit:



Sept. 19


Thurs., 4:30-6:00pm



[EL AG529] Young/Green Dog Practice. CANCELLED Instructor: Cindy Deubler.  10 weeks. A practice opportunity to continue to work on independent obstacle performance with accuracy and speed to prepare for competition and add basic handling skills using short sequences and exercises. Prerequisite: Dogs must be able to perform full-height contacts. Agility Ring.

Class limit: 8 Start: Sept. 17 Day/Time: Tues., 8:15-9:45pm  Fee: $225NM/$170TM/$110CM

[EL AG540A] Privates - Mondays & Wednesdays.  Instructor: Terry Herman. 1-hr lesson. Oriole Instructor Terry Herman is offering one-hour privates and semi-privates running from 9am-4pm. Privates can be tailored to deal with particular problems or challenges or aimed at improving overall teamwork and handling for teams already competing or about to compete in agility trials. It’s also possible to share an hour with a friend working at the same level or dealing with the same issues. On-line registration will only add your name to the list provided to the instructor, it doesn’t guarantee a slot. Once a month the instructor will email available dates and times for the following month to those who’ve registered and request their preferred dates and times. In scheduling, priority will be given to the preferred dates and times of Oriole Lifetime/Contributing Members; then Training Members; and then Non-Members. Money will be collected the day of the lesson. As with all Oriole classes, all class fees go to the club. PrerequisitePrivates are not appropriate for dogs and handlers wanting to begin agility training. They are intended for dog and handler teams ready to start competing or already competing. Dogs must be able to perform all equipment in accordance with established performance criteriaNote: If you are currently on Terry's list and receiving her emails about scheduling Private lessons, there is no need to register again. Agility Ring

Class limit: NA Start: Continuous   Day/Time: Mon & Wed 9am-4pm Fee: $100NM/$90TM/$80CM

[EL AG510] Agility Run-Throughs. This is a drop-in opportunity to work through an agility course. For each run-through, an agility course will be presented for participants to run. A couple different paths will be available. Each participant will be allowed approximately 2 minutes to run the course or practice different skills. Fees will be collected at the start of class. Class Dates: *See schedule on ODTC website. Agility Ring. 

Class limit:  NA Start:  See website Day/Time: Fri., 7-9pm  Fee: $15NM//$10TM/$5CM

Agility Seminars and Workshops

Check Oriole's website for a complete list and updates - Seminars


IMPORTANT: All dogs participating in flyball must be physically sound & at an appropriate weight. Keep your dog's nails trimmed & keep hair around the feet trimmed to prevent slipping. If your dog has hair falling in his eyes, tie it back with a rubber band or small barrette. Dogs with underlying health problems, including but not limited to hip & elbow dysplasia, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, vision, or other health problems that limit endurance, balance, or motor control should not participate in flyball without consultation with a veterinarian who is familiar with flyball.  It is suggested that owners not sign their dogs up for flyball classes until the dog is at least 12 months old.  Timing, however, is an issue with our structured start dates.  If you wish to enroll a dog that will be younger than 12 months at the start of class, you must submit a waiver & request permission of the flyball training director.  Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will remain in the building throughout the class.

Introductory Flyball Courses

Beginner students see Core Flyball descriptions below.

[FB100] Beginner Flyball. Instructor: Lauralee McGuire and Judith Hoffman.  10 Weeks.  This class is for those who want to learn the sport.  Dogs should be proficient in basic obedience & be under control in the presence of other dogs.  This course is NOT an entry class for the competition course.   Prerequisite: Basic obedience. LocationMain Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:



Sept 19


Thurs., 7-8:30pm



[FB110] Beginner Flyball. Instructor: Kate Bobb.  8 Weeks.  This class is for those who want to learn the sport.  Dogs should be proficient in basic obedience & be under control in the presence of other dogs.  This course is NOT an entry class for the competition course.   Prerequisite: Basic obedience.Location:  Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:



Sept. 20


Fri., 6:30-7:30




Core Flyball Courses

[FB300] Competition FlyballInstructors: Sarah Fedder and Judith Hoffman10 Weeks.  We will be overlapping the beginner class to give the green dogs an experienced dog to work against. Dogs will refine skills & increase speed & work in a team.  Prerequisite:  Beginner flyball or permission of 

instructor.  Location:  Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:



Sept. 19





[FB310] Friday Flyball.  Instructor: Kate Bobb.  8 Weeks.  This is a class open to dogs with intermediate & advanced skills. Less experienced dogs or handlers will start to work alongside seasoned dogs & team members.  Dogs will refine skills & increase speed & work in a team. Prerequisite:  Beginner flyball or permission of instructor. Location:  Main Rings 1 & 2.

Class limit:



Sept. 20


Fri., 8-9:30





All tracking classes are held outside for two to four hours. Students learn to track their dogs, lay track, and learn from watching other students working their dogs.  All dogs and handlers must be fit enough to walk one mile.

Registrations for Tracking classes will be accepted online or mail your completed and signed ODTC Registration Form to Registrars at 315 Glyndon Dr. Reisterstown, MD 21136.  Questions: please email the Registrar,  or Tracking Training Director, Linda Hulbert,  The ODTC Registration Form is also available on the Oriole’s website.  

There are Beginning Tracking classes (most semesters) for dogs starting tracking for the first time and untitled dogs that need certification.  There are occasionally classes for experienced handlers and dogs with TD, VST & TDU Tracking.  

[TR105] Beginning Tracking. FULL Instructor: Linda Hulbert. 6 Weeks. This class emphasizes building a partnership bond with your dog while having a great time outdoors in nature doing something dogs are naturally gifted at and love to do. The class develops the foundation concepts & techniques for the AKC Tracking Dog Test including understanding scent, designing tracks to develop tracking dogs with motivation, confidence, and skills, and developing handler support skills. The course may be repeated to build capabilities for beginners. Classes are rescheduled for inclement weather.  Note: 1) One dog per handler; 2) There will be an Oriole Tracking Test December 1, 2024. Students need to help (unless entered in the test), as this is a valuable learning opportunity.  *Class dates: September 6, 20, October 4, 18, November 1, 15. Location:  outside at Freedom Park, Sykesville, MD. 

Class limit:



Sept 6


Fri., 9am*



[TR115] Beginning Tracking. Instructors: Kristi Eisenberg and Allison Shinwari. 6 Weeks.  This class emphasizes building a partnershipbondwith your dog while having a great time outdoors in nature doing something dogs are naturally gifted at and love to do. The class develops the foundation concepts and techniques for the AKC Tracking Dog Test including understanding scent, designing tracks to develop tracking dogs with motivation, confidence, and skills, and developing handler support skills. There will be optional Zoom meetings before each class and notes to introduce concepts and outline fieldwork activities. The course may be repeated to build capabilities for beginners. Classes are rescheduled for inclement weather.  Note: One dog per handler. 

*Class dates: Saturdays: September 14, 21, 28, October 12, 26, November 9.  Optional Zoom Meetings: Wednesdays before field classes, 7:30pm.  Location: Outside at Fair Hill NRMA, Elkton, MD.

Class limit:



Sept. 14


Sat., 9am*



[TR205] Advanced Beginning Tracking. FULL Instructor: Linda Hulbert.  6 Weeks This class emphasizes the skills needed to pass certification test for entry in a tracking test. Bring materials to draw maps. Students will work together by laying tracks for each other. Prerequisite: Having taken at least 2 sessions of Beginning Tracking or approval of instructor. Classes are rescheduled for inclement weather.  Note: Handlers must help work test on December 1, 2024. *Class dates: September 6, 20, October 4, 18, November 1, 15. Location:  Outside at Freedom Park, Sykesville, MD.

Class limit:



Sept. 6


Fri., 10am*




